Using Live Paint
To use the Live Paint Bucket tool (k) in Adobe Illustrator:
- Double click the tool to display its Options panel and check the checkboxes to tell the tool if you want to color faces (fills), edges (strokes), or both. Assume for what follows that both are selected.
- Select the set of overlapping paths that you want to paint.
- In the Swatches panel, click in a Swatch Group that you want to use to color the figure that you want to paint.
- Get the Live Paint Bucket (shortcut: k-key) and click once with the tool on the selected paths. Ai will place the paths into a Live Paint Group and will create Face Objects and Edge Objects that represent the areas where the paths overlapped. You cannot see Face Objects and Edge Objects in the Layers panel, but you can see them on the Artboard when you hover over them with the Live Paint Bucket tool. When you hover over a face, Ai will highlight its boundary with a thick line. When you hover over an edge, Ai will highlight the edge with a thin line.
Color the faces and edges that you want to color by repeatedly doing the following:
- Go to the Appearance Panel and select a fill and a stroke color.
- With the tool, hover over a face or an edge. When you see the thick face highlight, or the thin edge highlight, click the tool. Ai will apply the fill or stroke color that you set in the Appearance panel.